About the Educators in Residence Program
The Educators in Residence program was created in 2021 in response to the need for engaging, interesting, exploratory and experiential STEM classroom curricular resources. Resources include:
- Demonstration materials that serve as a “hook” to begin deeper discussions and lead to the entire lessons and units.
- Engaging lessons relevant to the mission of RoboNation and the SeaPerch, SeaGlide, and GoSense programs.
- Educational mapping to the Next Generation Science Standards, Common Core, and Framework for 21st Century Learning Concepts to be used as a reference or guide by instructors. The resources will be organized based on scientific field and concepts in an online open source for use by all.
Concepts that can be used in a differentiated instructional model at multiple developmental levels from middle school through the undergraduate collegiate level.
Residents will spend 12 months collaborating, envisioning, identifying, creating, developing, innovating, writing, leading, exploring, aligning and articulating conceptual STEM resources for grades 5 – 12.
CTE standards will be used as a guide to inform the structure and pathways throughout the vertical alignment of the program. Educators in Residence will have the opportunity to engage with current and former academic and industry leaders to learn more about various STEM concepts, cutting edge innovative STEM solutions and research.
RoboNation Educators in Residence will be compensated with $10,000 plus up to an additional $2,500 for travel and conference expenses. This will be paid in installments throughout the year on condition that all program requirements and deliverables have been met.